The NBA lockout has continued and there is not clear evidence for a positive development of this case. Rumors and facts show that some players have focused their mind in playing overseas and some has had already signed the contract. Although there are NBA top talents like LeBron James and Amar’e Stoudemire who said confirmedly earlier that they were not interested in playing overseas, it seems like the superstar Kobe Bryant (Kobe Bryant Shoes) from Los Angeles Lakers might be the next one headed over sooner than later.

It seems reasonable that if players like Bryant wanting to play basketball elsewhere, because it is becoming more and more evident that players union and the owners won’t come to an agreement on the Collective Bargaining Agreement before the start of the 2011-2012 season. In fact, playing overseas certainly has its benefits for the Black Mamba.

First of all, and what is Kobe taking into consideration the most, playing overseas keeps Bryant in shape and helps him to continue playing at a high level. Kobe Bryant would be able to continue to work on his game, and with hopes to make slight improvements and adjustments in different areas of his game.

Secondly, having a deal overseas would bring Bryant more money. This might not be an important and direct reason for Kobe’s decision to play overseas, but it still has its advantage. Just like Deron Williams will make around five million dollars to play one year with Besiktas. The Besiktas is one of the biggest bosses who is able to sign the contract with Kobe; however, it is reported that Kobe breaks off negotiations with Besiktas. Therefore, China will be the next most likely boss of Bryant.

Yet, everything has not been finally confirmed. Before Kobe makes his decision, he should think about the negative positions that he will meet if he plays overseas. The increased possibility of getting injured is the most thinkable element. Over years, Kobe has become more injury prone; playing overseas could raise the possibility of a potential injury that could roughen up relations between Bryant and the Lakers organization.

Whatever, the positives outweigh the negatives in the case of Bryant. If he wishes to play overseas, then he probably should. Because he knows what is best for him.

Kobe Bryant Shoes